Going to the Chapel
Thank you to everyone who came to the Op Shop Ball 2023 on Saturday May 6 at the Crown Towers Ballroom.
The Anglicare WA Op Shop Ball is a highlight on Perth's social calendar- it's a Ball with a difference!
Since 2007 this sell out gala event plays host to 700 guests and raises vital funds for Anglicare WA whilst also delivering a fabulous night to remember.
Stay Tuned- the Ball will be back in 2025, with a fresh new look! If you wish to receive early notification when the next date is announced, please email us at getinvolved@anglicarewa.org.au
Bronze Table

1 x Standard table of 10 guests
Acknowledgement within the 2023 Event Program
Silver Table

1 x Table of 10 guestswith excellent placement within the ballroom
Logo placement in the 2023 event program & on-screen throughout the event
Corporate identification on your table
Invitation to VIP sponsor events held throughout the year
Gold Table

1 x VIP table of 10 guests with premium placement within the ballroom
Brand promotion via 1x social media post as well exposure
Invitation to exclusive VIP sponsor events held throughout the year
Corporate identification on your table
Acknowledgment by the MC and logo exposure on-screen throughout the event